Showing posts with label Prep-Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prep-Talk. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey, and Gravy, and Stuffing.....OH MY!

What a wonderful time of year it is.  The air is cooler and cleaner, the trees are beautiful, and folks tend to be just a little bit kinder to one another!  How thankful I am for thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving kicks off the joy and excitement of family, time off from work/school, and (let's not forget) EATING!!  Everywhere you turn food is all around.  And when I say food, I don't mean grilled chicken and asparagus and protein shakes for dessert.  I am a firm believer in setting yourself for success so I have a recommendation for those on their journey.

To those who have been working hard for a while: don't let this time of year be an excuse to let yourself go.  This is not a free-for-all that you will not have to pay for later.  You have worked so hard... depending on how you decide to eat could really set you back after you have come so far.  On the same hand.  I would recommend deciding what days you will enjoy the goodness of the holidays... example: thanksgiving, weekends in December, Christmas eve and Christmas day.... and eat well the other days and working out extra hard.  The damage will be minimal and you can feel like you are not alone in the corner eating card-board food.  The "splurge" eating will be a nice change.... and come January you will probably welcome the eating better option.  When you change your eating habits you find that the way you feel after a heavy meal full of white flour and sugar leaves you lethargic, heavy, and unsatisfied.  I truly do not enjoy junk food as much as I use to (and I'm thankful!). 

To those who are kinda toying with the idea of making the change to a healthier lifestyle:  This is a hard time of year.  It doesn't mean that it isn't possible, but it will be a true test of your will-power almost immediately.  If you are teetering back and forth over if you want to do it, let me stop you right there and say "DON'T".  If you are already sitting the fence I say WAIT until January.  However, if your mind is made up, and you have a goal in mind, then go forward FULL SPEED AHEAD!  But the beginning is crucial and that means your will power will be tested from the start.

In whatever your decision is this holiday season, it's important to ALWAYS SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS.  Do not sabotage yourself.  Make it a point to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.  Even if it is at home... find 30 minutes and pick 3-4 different exercises and "work hard".  You should be sweating and breathing heavy at the end.  Here is an at home work out you can do on those crazy days....

15 jumping jacks
8 push ups
10 sit-ups
10 squats

Set your timer for 30 minutes, turn on some tunes, and do the entire circuit over and over again until the timer chimes.  The beginning will seem easy, but after round 10 those push ups will start getting harder.  Push thru the burn, you will get your heart-rate at a nice increase, the resistance exercises will be great for your muscles, and the interval training (constant change in exercises. heart rate, and intensity) will be great for weight loss. 

Make up your mind where you are on your fitness lifestyle change.  You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to.  Do not put yourself in a place that will make you feel bad or defeated later.  Be your own BEST ADVOCATE!!  Always set yourself for a success story!!!


Thursday, October 20, 2011


After having 3 children, there was a time where I was convinced I needed to have surgery to fix certain body parts.  But my tune has changed.  As your body begins to minimize you will begin to shrink all over.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as spot reducing.  This means you can't look at your upper right thigh and say.... I would really really like to drop a few inches right there, and suddenly it evaporates.  It would be nice though.  As we work hard in the gym, the muscle will come... your fat will begin to burn away, and you will begin to minimize all over.  In some places it will happen right away.  Many times it's in the places you are not as concerned about.  This is very normal.  JUST STAY ON TRACK!  Often times we do not give ourselves credit for how far we have come, and want that beach bod after working for a few months on and off.  As you get closer and closer to your goal the importance of your food will make or break you. 

Each one of us wants something different in our weight loss journey.  I was sitting at lunch with a few ladies a week ago and I was telling them about my story, and showed my before picture.  I told them my starting pants size.  One lady said, "If I could just get there, I would be happy!"  Perhaps that is as far as you can wrap your head around and don't think smaller is physically possible.  But I'm telling you that it is possible.  HOWEVER, IT IS POSSIBLE-- ALL IN TIME.... AND IN GREAT EATING!! 

When you turn on the TV and watch the infomercials with the crazy before and after pictures you will see the fine print at the bottom of the page.  It says, results may vary AND that eating played a MAJOR role. 

You must be spot on with your eating and be prepared for the results/loss to not come immediately.  We have stubborn fat that has been there for perhaps a long time.  It will leave... BUT NOT WITHOUT A FIGHT!  So who is going to be stronger???  You.... or YOUR FAT???   I remember beginning my journey with determination, and stepping on the scale for almost a month and not seeing a single drop on the pounds side.  I felt defeated, but hung on only because my support group was there cheering me on and telling me I could do it.  I remember climbing the stair mill and tears rolling down my face because I didn't think I could ever drop weight.  At this time it is very easy to give up.  It is very easy to grab that cookie or french fry, or loaf of bread especially when you feel so defeated.  But I'm telling you that it will come, but it will take a fight!!  Your body thinks you are going to give up.....because let's admit it, you have quit before, BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!

I found this quote and fell in LOVE:


When I help people get on track and they begin to feel pumped about the goal ahead they usually say to me, "Ok, I can do this! I'm going to TRY to be eat well.".... My response is, "You are not going to TRY, you are going to DO it!!"  Life is not going to slow down.  Obstacles are not going away.  Holidays with meals are always around the corner, a vacation may suddenly arise, someone may get sick, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMETHING!  You must push through those times.  There are NO EXCUSES if you want to lose weight... NONE!  Eating well for a few days, or even a week, will not change you.  It must be done for an extended period of time.  It must be done without mess ups.  Every time you give up, the fat just holds on tighter. 

Don't look at the scale over and over again.  Track your inches monthly.  Cut out the bad carbs completely.  Start with a great breakfast that will start your day on the right track with fuel that will energize you.  NO DESSERT.  Make sure you always have a healthy snack handy.  WATCH THAT CARB COUNT!!  Nobody likes to write down what they eat, but until you do you won't realize how much you are consuming (Fat, Carbs, Fiber, Calories).  Minimize your dinner portions and allow your food to digest before you go to bed. 

 Do not allow yourself excuses why you messed up, YOU ARE NOT BEING FAIR TO YOURSELF!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Slow and Steady, Steady and Slow

I was talking to one of my fitness buddies (Miss P) from the gym.  We were talking about the time it takes for REAL weight loss.  The kind of weight loss that sticks.

There's a particular book I read to my boys almost weekly that recounts the story of the tortoise and the hair.  The hair wants to race that slow slow turtle, but in the end, the turtle wins because of the stop and go the rabbit keeps doing.  The boys laugh each time I read that famous line out through the book. 

"Slow and Steady, Steady and Slow... That's the Way To Go!!"

In the end, we all know the turtle wins the race because of his consistent steady dedication.  We don't become overweight overnight.  We don't become overweight in 60 days.  We do it over time and through consistently making poor eating decisions and less active choices.

TIME IS THAT MAGIC PILL... 24HRS/7 DAYS A WEEK/52 WEEKS/ AND 12 MONTHS IN A YEAR.... After you have begun your journey you will suddenly realize one day that you have created new habits.  Without realizing it, you don't have to think about not munching on that unhealthy snack, because you will automatically reach for the apple instead!

*Get out your pirate sword and go to work.... Fight back against poor eating habits.  Tackle the problem head on....ARRRR MAITEY!

Friday, September 9, 2011

If at first you don't succeed... TRY, TRY, AGAIN!!!

I've had the opportunity to help others along this journey.  AND I LOVE IT!!! When I began to transform, the big question was... HOW DID YOU DO THAT????  I was a walking-talking infomercial.  The before and after was noticeable, and others wanted to know my secret and feel the success and happiness that seemed to come from the effects of the journey.  In the last month I have picked up a few more people who want to change their life and make THIS BODY TRANSFORMATION A REALITY.  My next door neighbor is shrinking before my eyes.  In the last 2 1/2 weeks he has dropped 11 lbs. by sticking to his guns, and making the conscious decisions of food before he puts it in his mouth and making the time to exercise.

"In the last few months, I found myself downing energy drinks around 3pm just so I could get through the rest of my day.  Now, I have so much more energy!" 

For him, it all started with the decision to run a 5k, we had a talk in our cul-de-sac, and the next day HE BEGAN HIS JOURNEY.

Another person I'm working with has lost 12 inches in less than a month by switcing to Level 1 eating and following the exercise plan I gave her for 30minutes a day. 

"I feel great and I can tell I'm getting STRONGER!"

We will all hit walls and breaking points.  Our lives are not lined with golden bricks and smooth sailing paths.  We have busy lives, most of us do not have personal chefs, and due to unforeseen circumstances we may find ourselves stuck.  WE PREPARE TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY, BUT LEARN TO ADAPT AND RE-ADJUST WHEN NECESSARY.  Let's say you decide to eat a french fry, the next thing you know, you have eaten the whole box.... NOW WHAT?!?!  If you have been so careful for "x" amount of days you may suddenly feel like you have just let down your best friend.  I have been there, I have done it...  But here, in fact, is where the true test begins.  This is when the time comes where you realize what has happened.  It's important you think about how it ended up that you got to that point.  Evaluate why you made that decision.  You REDEDICATE yourself and IMMEDIATELY pick up where you left off!  Don't wait for the next morning,  Don't wait for the weekend to be over and for Monday to come... AND DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S THE FIRST OF THE MONTH AGAIN!!  This is NOT monopoly:  DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200.  You can not beat yourself up when you have tried so hard....HOWEVER- it is crucial that you realize why that just happened and what you can do to make sure you can help avoid it happening again. 

When on Level 1 if you may find yourself stuck, where the options are slim to none.  This doesn't mean you have been given a free pass for good behavior.  You need to look at the options around you and pick those things that are the best of what you have.  DO NOT TRY AND GO HUNGRY.  Pick what will hold you over and control your portion size.  Make a mental note to try and avoid those situations that may sabotage all of your hard work.

This road is definatlely the one less traveled.... But the day will come with the hard work, when someone will turn around and say to you:


*Don't Let These Moments Drive You To Make Bad Food Decisions. 
Find JOY in the Journey!